Tuesday, 15 September 2009

An Update from Cheryl B.

Last week I attended the first Caring for the Caregiver Sunday School class, and there were just two couples and myself there to talk and compare stories about the particular caregiving situations in which we find ourselves. We ranged from one family having an elderly and ill mother living in house, to another family having a 90 y/o still living in his own home in a state on the other side of the country. They help him in a long distance sort of way, with the occasional long and costly flight back and forth; and then my situation is in between (my Mom living in her own apartment and pretty independent, but close enough for me to drive back and forth to visit her and to see her needing more help but not having a way to answer that need).

All three families who made it to the S.S. Class are grieving at one level or another over the situations in which we find ourselves, and all are working through that and doing what we can as our parents move into this final stage of life.

There is no doubt in my mind that there are many others in the Tenth Community who are dealing with these types of situations or some variation on these themes.

I suspect that the attendance at this class will not be high, as people are very busy and involved at other places in the church during the 11 o'clock service which is when the class is scheduled. In fact, I will not be able to attend it regularly after tomorrow because of prior commitments.

Dennis and Cheryl Sanfacon will be hosting the class throughout the rest of the quarter; I am looking forward to the helpful and encouraging information which the Sanfacons and other speakers will be offering each week and hope to encourage and be encouraged by the others who attend.